Yes, this is a post about Odd Future. No, it's not 2011.
Nowadays, Odd Future is only mentioned when Camp Flog Gnaw rolls around or if someone's reminiscing. Loiter Squad isn't on Adult Swim, and Tyler isn't getting banned from countries anymore. Frank has become a world-renowned artist, while Syd is the face of one of the most talented groups out. There's not as many tie-dye tees or colorful OF doughnut socks walking around either. But find yourself around any youth and you'll notice an entire generation of personalities, just as colorful as the clothes Odd Future had them wearing.
Tyler, The Creator, ate a roach. Tyler, The Creator, inspired a generation. No, not to eat roaches, but to unapologetically do what makes them happy. Tyler wrote about what he wanted, performed how he wanted, and name dropped whoever he wanted. Tyler did what he wanted, because what he wanted made him happy. The entire aura around Tyler, and Odd Future as a whole, was pure happiness that everyone wants or wants to be around. There's youth making music, designing clothes, taking pictures, and just flat out chasing their dream, because of the positive "I do what I want" atmosphere Tyler and Odd Future created.
On the other end of the spectrum, is Earl Sweatshirt. Where Tyler is constant happiness with occasional apathy, Earl is the polar opposite.

" A little bit depressed"." The youngest old man ever"."Self-loathing Narcissist".
This is the most accurate description of Earl Sweatshirt, brought to you by Earl Sweatshirt. The top comment on Earl's most popular song, Chum, is "the happier Tyler gets, Earl gets sadder". This is a true statement, made by Lizard_Score(creative name btw). Just as Tyler's personality affected a large portion of the youth, Earl's did the same. No, Earl Sweatshirt is not the cause of your depressed timeline; he's probably had the exact opposite effect. Earl's music is cryptic, descriptive, and sometimes saddening; but more than anything it's relatable. By just rapping about his own feelings, Earl lets others know that they're not alone. Earl is the depressed youth's solace.
Earl made the depressed youth feel less alone. Tyler, along with the entire group, encouraged the youth to be themselves. With that being said, Syd and Frank Ocean had the greatest impact on today's generation.

Frank Ocean's Coming Out as Bisexual Letter Via Frank Ocean/Tumblr
Syd's first introduction to the world was her kissing another female in The Internet's "Cocaine" video. Syd continued to embrace her orientation through her highly sexual female-aimed lyrics. Syd showed an entire population of hidden youth that being gay is nothing to be ashamed of. A year later, Frank Ocean came out as bi right before the release of his male pronoun-filled Channel Orange. Before Frank, there was no being bisexual. Bisexual people were simply put off as confused or needing to make up their mind. Frank and Syd empowered, and continue to empower, much of today's youth with the confidence they needed to embrace their sexuality.
Odd Future created great music, from The Internet to MellowHype. Odd Future created great moments, from Tyler's Sway freestyle to Lionel's Loiter Squad. From crafting personalities to embracing sexualities(bars), Odd Future created today's future.